Let’s go on a winter holiday to Kranjska Gora!
During the winter holidays, we invite you to fairy-tale and fun children’s shows that will bring unforgettable moments of laughter, magic and play to Kranjska Gora!
The children’s show A Fairy Tale for Elves will take place on Sunday, 23.2.2025 at 10:00 in Ljudski dom in Kranjska Gora.
Free entry. The event will be filmed and photographed.
The Tell-Tale Elf travels to a fairy tale. She has mapped out her journey as an invitation into a world ruled by a child’s imagination. But what would all her mysterious things be if it were not for the wonder and laughter of a small audience? And how would Silvester the dragon summon up the courage to vomit fire?
Suitcases, toys and objects, even children, become part of the most beautiful fairy tale in the world. This inspiring original performance carries important messages about good and evil.