Business pages
About Tourism Kranjska Gora
Turizem Kranjska Gora
Kolodvorska 1 c
4280 Kranjska Gora
VAT number: SI 66559286

Director of the Tourist Board Kranjska Gora
Luka Vrančič
Area Consultant I – for general matters
Sabina Žerjav
Area Consultant I – Marketing
Katja Hartman
Area Consultant I – Project coordinator
Mojca Mežek
Tourist Information Officer III – TIC manager
Nataša Makovec,
Tourist Information Officer III
Alda Sadikovič
Catalog of public information
Name of the institution: Tourist Board Kranjska Gora
Address of the institution: Kolodvorska ulica 1c , 4280 Kranjska Gora
Phone number: 04 588 50 20
VAT (tax) ID No: SI 66559286
TRR No: SI 56 0125 3603 0364 390
BIC / SWIFT bank code: BSLJSI2X
Activity code: 79.900 – Reservation and other travel related activities
Legal Representative: Luka Vrančič, director
Date of first publication of the catalogue: 12.06.2020
Date of last change to the catalogue: 12.06.2020
Catalogue available at:
Other catalogue formats: /
2.a) Organigram and details of the organisation of the Authority
Brief description of the Authority’s field of work
Tourist Board Kranjska Gora has been operating in this form since February 2016, previously under the name LTO – Kranjska Gora Municipality Tourism Institute. The company has been in operation for 17 years. Tourist Board Kranjska Gora operates in accordance with the Plan of the Institute, in accordance with the Statutes of the Institute and in accordance with the development documents of the municipality, i.e. the Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the Tourist Destination Kranjska Gora 2015 – 2025 and the Strategic Development Document of the Municipality of Kranjska Gora. The basis for the operation of Tourist Board Kranjska Gora is the Act on the Promotion of Tourism Development (ZSRT) and the Strategy for Sustainable Growth of Slovenian Tourism 2017 – 2021. Tourist Board Kranjska Gora also operates in accordance with the Programme of Work of the Slovenian Tourist Board (STB), the Slovenian Public Agency for Marketing and Promotion of Tourism, for each year.
Activities include:
- Implementation of an overarching destination tourism promotion to increase its visibility on the national and global market,
- Implementing a destination-level marketing communication programme using modern marketing communication tools, coordinated with local, regional and stakeholder networks of tourism operators.
- Continuous cooperation in the development and use of the tourist information system in line with the latest IT know-how at destination and national level,
- Promoting the use and development of tourist information systems at enterprise and local level and ensuring their integration into the national tourist information system,
- Assisting in the development of a central reservation system to ensure the integration of local and regional tourism services and ITPs into global tourism activity systems.
- Implementation and operationalisation of the introduction of modern organised destination management,
- Promoting the development and implementation of ITPs in the vertical axis,
- Implementation of more complex investment projects, their promotion and the integration of the tourism industry and other interested partners into clusters at local level,
- Promoting training and networking of tourism operators at local level,
- Development, design and organisation of ITPs at local level,
- The realisation of knowledge transfer to the operational level and the motivation of the integration of tourism offer in ITPs and their inclusion in the central reservation system.
- Implementation of thematic tourism products,
- Operationalisation of the integration of tourism services into ITPs at horizontal level in the local area,
- Ensuring the quality of tourism services and ITPs at local level,
- Taking care of local tourism infrastructure,
- Implementation of a tourist information office at local level.
List of all internal organisational units
The bodies of the Tourist Board Kranjska Gora are:
– the Director of the Institute with a four-year term of office,
– the Council of the Institute, which is composed of 13 members (representatives of the founder, representatives of the users and a representative of the employees of the Institute), the President of the Council is Milan Sajovic and the Deputy President is Klavdija Gomboc.
The Tourist Information Centre is also part of Turist Board Kranjska Gora; Kolodvorska ulica 1c, 4280 Kranjska Gora, tel. 04 5809 440, e-mail:;;
Organigram of the Authority
- Organigram zavoda Turizem Kranjska Gora
- Contacts of employees
2.b) Contact details of the official(s) responsible for providing the information
Responsible person
Luka Vrančič, director
Kolodvorska ulica 1c
4280 Kranjska Gora
Phone number: 04 588 50 23
2.c) List of laws, regulations and European Community rules in the Authority’s field of work (via the national, local or European register of regulations)
State regulations
- Zakon o zavodih
- Zakon o spodbujanju razvoja turizma
- Zakon o javnem naročanju
- Zakon o delovnih razmerjih
- Zakon o sistemu plač v javnem sektorju
Local government regulations
- Odlok o ustanovitvi javnega zavoda Turizem Kranjska Gora
- Sprememba odloka o ustanovitvi javnega zavoda Turizem Kranjska Gora
EU regulations
The regulations are available at:
2.d) List of strategic and programming documents by thematic strand
List of strategic and programming documents
- Strategija razvoja in upravljanja turizma v občini Kranjska Gora 2025 – 2035
- Strategija slovenskega turizma 2022 – 2028
- Program dela 2024 Turizem Kranjska Gora
- Plan dela Turizem KG 2024 obrazložitev postavk
2.e) List of types of administrative, judicial or legislative proceedings
Types of proceedings conducted by the Authority
The Public Institute does not conduct administrative, judicial or legislative proceedings or other official or public services.
2.f) List of other computerised databases
List of databases
The Public Institute does not hold any other computerised databases of a public nature.
2.g) Main subject headings of other public information or list of individual documents
Information sets – following a structured description of the Authority’s area of work
Events, news, public tenders are published on the website
Legal acts of the Tourist Board Kranjska Gora:
- Statut javnega zavoda Turizem Kranjska Gora
- Odlok o ustanovitvi javnega zavoda Turizem Kranjska Gora
- Sprememba odloka o ustanovitvi javnega zavoda Turizem Kranjska Gora
- Regulations on the internal organisation and systematisation of posts at Tourist Board Kranjska Gora
2.h) Publications and tender documents in accordance with the regulations governing public procuremen
Description of access to individual sets of information
– Public information in electronic form is freely accessible at
– Access to public information in non-electronic form is available at the premises of the Tourist Board Kranjska Gora, Kolodvorska ulica 1c, 4280 Kranjska Gora, from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. and every day of the week at the Kranjska Gora Tourist Information Centre, Kolodvorska ulica 1c, 4280 Kranjska Gora.
– Access to public information for people with disabilities is also provided online in text-only format. Partial access to public information is provided in accordance with the Regulation on the provision and re-use of public information.
Costs and price list
The provision of public information is subject to the costs set out in Uredbe o posredovanju in ponovni uporabi informacij javnega značaja.
Information about the KBZ project
Call for application for the Kranjska Gora Finest Certificate of Excellence
Public tenders
There are currently no job vacancies.