Holiday opening hours of the Escapemuseum Kajžnk House

Please be informed about the holiday opening hours of the Kajžnk House in Rateče. From 25.12.2024 to 5.1.2025 inclusive, the Kajžnk House will be open every day from 13.00 to 19.00.

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Week of restaurants also in Kranjska Gora

Week of restaurants also in Kranjska Gora

The Triangel, Lipa and Pino Alpino restaurants are all part of Week of restaurants, which takes place from 11 to 20 October.

Cross-country skiing season starts in Planica!

Cross-country skiing season starts in Planica!

On Sunday, 17 November, we start the new cross-country skiing season in Planica!

Start of the ski season in Kranjska Gora

Start of the ski season in Kranjska Gora

The ski season in Kranjska Gora starts on Saturday, 30.11.2024.

Ljubljana to Kranjska Gora route listed as one of the most beautiful winter routes

Ljubljana to Kranjska Gora route listed as one of the most beautiful winter routes

End of the partial and full closure of the road over the Vršič Pass

End of the partial and full closure of the road over the Vršič Pass

Work on the Vršič Pass has been completed for this year and will resume in spring 2025.

One ticket - five world events

One ticket - five world events

A single SLOSKI ticket will allow ski fans to watch the World Cups at a cheaper price.

Slovenia - A Cinematic Documentary on Nature Conservation

Slovenia - A Cinematic Documentary on Nature Conservation

A documentary about Slovenia, in which Kranjska Gora is also featured.

Opening of the Mojstrana ski slope

Opening of the Mojstrana ski slope

The Mojstrana Ski Slope will open its winter season on Saturday, 7 December 2024.

B&B Pr' Gavedarjo awarded Green Key Certificate

B&B Pr' Gavedarjo awarded Green Key Certificate

B&B Pr' Gavedarjo has again this year been awarded the internationally renowned Green Key Award for excellence in sustainable tourism.

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