“Whatever happens, this remains: we are on top!” (T. Škarja)
50th anniversary of the V. JAHO expedition to Kangbachen, 25 October 2024 at 6 pm
You are invited to a museum evening, where we will take a trip down memory lane with several participants of the expedition on the occasion of the conquest of Mount Kangbachen in 1974. We will comment on the preserved photographic and film material. Join us on the so-called “Expedition of Records“, when never before have so many people been on the summit and in such a short time for their height.
We will start with a Boeing 747 flight from Rome to Beirut instead of Mumbai, continue with a 20-day walk to base camp, gradually setting up altitude camps and the final destination, and find out what a logistical challenge it is to carry 7 tonnes of equipment. Of course, we will also remember the first expedition in 1965, without which the younger one would not have been so successful. Join us for an evening at the Museum in October to celebrate the 50th anniversary of this “expedition machine”!
The Museum Evening will also be accompanied by a photographic exhibition entitled “Whatever happens, stays: We are on top!“. (T. Škarja) and a documentary film of the expedition, which will be on show until the end of the year.
The museum evening was organised in cooperation with veteran mountaineers within the PZS.
Photo: Janez Dovžan