The Vrata Valley (Door Valley) in the heart of the Julian Alps leads to the base of the Triglav northern wall of the Slovenian highest peak Triglav.
It is the largest glacial redesigned valley on the north side of the Julian Alps, stretching from Mojstrana to the foot of the Triglav North Wall. On the trail we first come to the two waterfalls with the common name Peričnik. From Peričnik to Vrata the trail leads under the »Galleries«. The Galleries are the hollowed and sometimes overhanging conglomerate rocks, hollowed-out and eroded by the stream, which today runs deep below.
The Vrata Valley can also be seen if you are not a mountaineer. The valley can either be reached from Mojstrana along a gravel road and partly tarmac road, or along a footpath – Triglavska Bistrica trail.
The Aljažev hut in the Vrata Valley is the starting point for trips and mountain tours to Mount Triglav, as well as to the Škrlatica Mountain, Stenar Mountain, and the Kriški podi plateau.

The power of nature through time
The Galleries are one of the natural sights on the Triglavska Bistrica Trail.
See the overhanging rocks, which were eroded by the Triglavska Bistrica River, made of conglomerate layers of different levels of resistance. The rock shelters of the galleries were formed in the course of thousands years…
The trail along the galleries is well marked and not difficult. Sometimes, it drips or leaks a bit, but nothing more…