Pr ‘Juvanu is a beekeeping consisting of family members Toni, Marjeta and Sara. The three-leaf clover is visited by a very wide circle of visitors from Slovenia and abroad.
Based on tradition and experience from abroad, they decided to prepare a beekeeping learning path, where all visitors, in addition to natural resources, also receive interesting facts about the life of bees. Beehives are a Slovenian specialty, they are unique. They are outdoor galleries. Their apiary is decorated with original Rateče hive extensions, which are a specialty in Slovenia, and show the history of Rateče.
There is also a beehive nearby, where every visitor can see the life of a bee family. Marjeta takes you through a large planted garden with honey plants, spices and medicinal plants, a place where the visitor gets to know the plants that are important for bee nutrition.
The general presentation on Carniolan lavender, beekeeping in the past and today, honey production and the importance of bees in nature for non-beekeepers lasts about an hour. They are adapted to the youngest as well as older, domestic and foreign visitors. For visitors, they are happy to take the time to taste the “Rateška strd” and talk.
A closer look and an informative conversation with beekeeper Toni is possible by prior arrangement.