The Via Ferrata Dobršnik is rated B (and C towards the top). It is 270 metres high and 1000 metres long. It takes about 15 minutes to get to the start of the ferrata and about an hour and 15 minutes to climb it. Never use the climbing route to descend, but use the marked forest trail. The Dobršnik Gorge runs in an idyllic setting along a stream, where you will also find 8 waterfalls – the highest is 22 metres high.
The use of the ferrata is only possible with the appropriate equipment (helmet, self-protection kit, suitable footwear and clothing).
The climbing route is forbidden to inexperienced climbers and minors unaccompanied by a person of legal age. Do not enter in case of storms, snow or at night. Risk of flooding! Never use the climbing route to descend. Descend on the marked forest path.
The protected route is CLOSED from 31 October to 1 April.